Tenis: Simona Halep a anunţat că nu va participa la US Open

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Potrivit Agerpres Jucătoarea română de tenis Simona Halep, numărul 2 mondial, a anunţat luni pe Twitter că nu va participa la turneul de US Open din cauza riscurilor sanitare legate de pandemia de COVID-19.


1/2After weighing up all the factors involved and with the exceptional circumstances in which we are living, I have decided that I will not travel to New York to play the @usopen I always said I would put my health at the heart of my decision— Simona Halep (@Simona_Halep) August 17,…

Vezi articol integral: https://www.agerpres.ro/stiri/2020/08/17/tenis-simona-halep-a-anuntat-ca-nu-va-participa-la-us-open–557496

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